
Orthodontic services are available to patients in their tweens, teens and adult years. In fact, Grant Family Dentistry even provides orthodontic services for senior citizens in their 70s and 80s. If your teeth are crooked, misshapen or improperly spaced, you are a candidate for braces as long as your teeth and gums are fairly healthy. So don’t assume orthodontics are strictly limited to providing teenage patients with metal braces. Lingual braces that connect to the back of the teeth are also available for those who have crooked teeth.

Invisalign, consisting of translucent plastic aligners, straighten crooked teeth, ensuring the optimal alignment without compromising your smile aesthetic. In short, our orthodontics services diagnose, prevent and correct irregularities in the context of oral health. Such irregularities commonly stem from a misaligned jaw, an overbite/underbite, missing teeth, extra teeth, malocclusion and crooked/misaligned teeth.